12 June 2013
Handmade Art
Today we introduce Valeria, a designer from Milano who as been living in our city for the last few years, and where she's conducting her emerging brand “Handmade Art”, her talent strictly "handmade" surprised us and ended up to the editors of Vogue Accessory . We wanted to know her better with this interview.

Hello Valeria, tell us about how the passion for your work has started :

I can quite say that this passion has grew up with me! Since i was a child I loved the design, I remember that I use to represent or copie everything that was sorrounding me, and then over the years I approached the world of fashion. Those were the golden years, with Versace, which reached the peak of his creativity and the models that got "Top".

What are the most important stages of your training?

The Institute of fashion Olga Fiorini, which allowed me to improve my graphics skills and where I learned the whole process behind a pretty dress. I learned how to make sewing patterns and especially with tailoring method. Then came numerous work experience, up to the new “ Handmade Art” Atelier.

From where do you get your inspirations ?

I love the 50s, the years after the war, full of optimism and productivity. The collection S / S 2013 is inspired by my passion for that time where women dressed in a hyper-feminine way even when they were wearing trousers or when looked after their children and the home. Another source of inspiration is the French mischievous look , where the dress is sheaping in the women sinuous body forms .

How do you spread all this ispirations in your clothes?

With the shapes and fabrics: by put into the foreground the waist and using satin, glossy or moiré tissues. And then macramé, lace, satin and chiffon ...

A project that has impressed you?

My last project : a line of accessories that are rigorously handmade, also published in the industry bible magazines as Vogue Accessory, both in the month of March and May issue.

Your favorite word?

Without a doubt and loudly: femininity .

How woman wearing your creations?

It 'a strong and modern woman, but with a touch of witty "folie" that makes her unforgettable.


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