05 February 2014
Valeria Oppenheimer
Fashion has no secrets for Valeria Oppenheimer, model, blogger, radio and television carman, which is telling to DDmag her memories start from the catwalk of course:

What is your first memory? What do you miss and what you don't?

My first memory of all is the first carriage class at the John Casablancas Center in Rome. So much emotion, the classmates were nice , those with whom I shared years of work and those that i've never seen again... The first important show that I carry in my heart , it was during a week of high fashion in Rome for Egon von Furstenberg. I had a really gorgeous red dress , I was elated and terrified at the same time. One of my photos was published on Vogue and my mother to surprise me she contacted the Vouge photographer and ask to send a copy of that pic. I treasure that shot and after 14 years ,when i look at it i still smile .
I do not miss the catwalk, I worked as a model full time for about 8 years, I've modeled the Spanish Steps of Rome ,and as they say "I have taken my satisfaction."

Fashion is more beautiful when you wear or when you communicate?

In both cases. Wearing it bring it to life, make sense of the work of many people who for months did make so much effort to make 20 -minute catwalk happen... What a thrill ! Communicating fashion means having the good fortune to be able to express a point of view, a particular taste, let others know a form of art, craft and culture. I feel a special satisfaction when I am able to enhance the work of young designers, emerging ones. I like being able to give voice and space to those who still has not.

What advice would you give to those girls who have opened a fashion blog?

Not to start a blog with the intent to use it as a source of income. The blog (even before the fashion blog) is an open, friendly and democratic, in the sense that each of us could potentially open one and "share". I'd like to see blogs which transpired from the points of view of those who post the actual contents, of whatever kind they may be.

Your "social" ritual to start the day with, all the latest fashion news:

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter while I eat breakfast . My view of the world to start a brand new day.

What are you wearing today?

A item that I care a lot. A Floriana Serani creation, a young Roman designer who has a much followed blog www.muchblackblessed.com. It is a fleece dress with leather sleeves. The sleeves actually have a zip so you can also remove them , the dress is black, a colour tha I madly love. The great thing about this dress is that it is sporty and cool at the same time , ideal for travel, but also for an evening with friends. Today I wear it with a pair of leggings, sneakers AirStep zip and rubber sole, thick wool leg warmers .

Valeria will take us to discover the “behind the scenes” of fashion, even on TV during broadcasts “La vita in diretta” on RaiUno channel : we'll follow it together...

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