The professionalism of Pietro and Luca Chilesotti continue to amaze us, even after many collaborations and posts that have made them to know "up close". Today we tell you the latest episode about a photo shoot for Giada Castegnaro, organized by Studio Chilesotti in record time: Peter will tell us with his usual irony!
"Hello, hello ...... It's Isabella... Look at 14.00 Giada arrives and you have to shoot the photos of her bags because ........ I recommend .... And... I have to go because are in a hurry, bye! " In short, Jade has arrived. she glimpsed out of his super car with this mileage leg and a lot of bags to be photographed! " I need it right away," she said kindly, " I have a meeting in Milan in two and a half hours." Gosh, but how do we do? Luca, without saying anything , he began to assemble the set. A few minutes later I saw the flash go: the first bag was already perfectly photographed!
In the gallery you can see the result of these few hours : these shots are beautiful, right?