Today you’ll discover the golden world of Gilt Magazine, born in 2010 from Marco Gennari’s mind, professional psychologist, entrepreneur and web-lover, co-founder of Twirepix, a digital world launched together with his colleague and partner Alberto Fortin. Towards the end of 2011 he created Gilt Magazine, an elegant and refined webzine. Would you like to know something more about it? Have a look at this interview, special guest: Marco Gennari.
What do the typical Gilt man and woman look like?
Gilt is intended mainly for women, so we basically focus on them. Gilt women are modern, but elegant of course, they’re young and juvenile, radiant, attractive, sexy and mischievous, but also thoughtful to others. We can say they’re educated enough to handle the many offers of the modern world. They love luxury in all its shades, which clearly doesn’t only mean staying at a Bulgari Hotel or being covered in Cartier diamonds, but also intended as innate good-manners. Men, instead, are mysterious, intriguing, also elegant, all-accomplished business men.
What’s the first Gilt “social” action?
Actually, it’s still Facebook. Although, it is already ten years old, it maintains its supremacy. In the second place there’s Instagram. We started using in February 2013 and were incredibly surprised by its great action potential.
Your motto is “A golden world just a click away”: where’s the centre of this world today? Is it still Italy?
We keep believing (and hoping)that Italy will hold on its supremacy not only in fashion, but in other branches as well. Unfortunately, because of politicians who can’t guide this country, the Italian economic situation is falling apart and the whole country with it.
Entrepreneurs’ suicides, people escaping abroad, foreign companies buying ours should make us open our eyes. I’ve noticed young people’s apathy, many are too used to sit back and slacken off. They don’t even try to change things. The most talented ones run away abroad…
Imagine taking a “selfie” to express the feeling which we’ll lead you the next year, what would that be?
We’ve got many ideas in the pipeline but can’t reveal them now. Anyway, the most representative selfie would be a jockey at full gallop: rein, go slowly or fast and of course jumping off all obstacles!
That’s for sure, Gilt Magazine will shine in front of your eyes!